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Drainage Consultation



Drainage Consultation

(consultation only – no design work included – all design work is billed at a rate of $125/hr)

Drainage issues are very common in and around the Charlotte area. Without proper drainage, your home and landscape can suffer greatly. Along with our highly trained staff, we work with state-of-the-art equipment to provide the right solutions. Get advice from a pro about how to best handle your drainage concerns! 

  • In home consultation with detailed discussions regarding all drainage related concerns
  • Conversations regarding potential solutions and common methods used to properly handle water flow
  • Drainage Design Proposal: if the design process is deemed necessary to provide accurate estimation, proper installation and HOA/ARC approval
  • Estimated Project Costs: our team can often provide an estimated project cost to help guide the decision-making process.
    Note: a detailed itemized proposal may not be possible at this time if further investigation or design steps are required

An initial consultation allows us to advise and educate the client based on their expectations for the project. It is during this consultation process all desired functionality and budgetary constraints are discussed, which allow for a realistic program to be established before proceeding with the design and/or installation. General recommendations regarding topography, soil types, existing vegetation, microclimates and existing structures can be made, though a detailed Site Analysis won’t be completed unless a more in-depth design process is approved.

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